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Wells House & Gardens Wedding, Wexford

An historic and picturesque Wedding Venue located in County Wexford

Wells House & Gardens is known for its stunning Victorian architecture, beautifully landscaped gardens, and extensive woodlands. 


Wells House & Gardens is a popular choice for Weddings, events, and special occasions.

The historic setting, combined with the natural beauty of the surroundings, creates a unique and memorable atmosphere for Celebrations.


The big Wedding cake located at the entrance of Wells House & Gardens

Wedding photos in the garden:

The Wells House & Gardens is renowned for its meticulously maintained gardens, offering a variety of landscapes, including formal terraces, woodland walks, and walled gardens.

The gardens provide a beautiful backdrop for events, weddings, and leisurely strolls.

Wedding photoshoot in the garden at Wells House & Gardens
Wedding at Wells House & Gardens Wexford
Leisurely strolls at Wells House & Gardens, Wexford

Woodland Walks and photoshoot chance just behind Wells House & Gardens:

Wells House is surrounded by extensive woodlands, providing couples with enchanting trails and pathways to explore during the Wedding Day.


The woodlands are perfect for nature lovers and those seeking a tranquil escape.

Wells House and its stunning Victorian architecture
The beautiful gardens at Wells House & Gardens
Wedding photoshoot in the pathway near Wells House & Gardens
Wedding couple photoshoot inside Wells House & Gardens
Family photoshoot at Wells House & Gardens
Candid photoshoot at Wells House & Gardens
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